Setting Up Bug Verification Workflow Using the Two-Way BTS Integration

The Two-way BTS Integration is available for Jira and Azure DevOps BTS, and allows for a constant update of issues in the Applause platform based on changes made in your BTS, ensuring synchronized, accurate data. Where applicable, the integration can also drive an efficient, frictionless Bug Fix Verification workflow. As part of this workflow, the Applause community is utilized not only to capture issues during testing, but also to re-test those issues once you fix them and verify the fix.

Bug Verification Workflow
  1. After a bug is reported in the Applause platform and exported to your BTS instance, your engineers will work on introducing a fix.
  2. Once the fix is ready to be tested and according to your team’s internal workflow in the BTS, the BTS issue status will be updated to the relevant predefined value (such as “Ready for Testing”).
  3. The integration identifies this update and triggers the associated Applause issue to be updated automatically to “Ready to Verify.”
  4. From within the Applause platform, the fix verification request can be processed within a test cycle by selecting the bug for verification (optionally filtering by "Ready to Verify" BFV status). This will create a BFV test case for testers to complete. The testers will mark the test case result as either “fixed” or “failed”. As always, our testing community will also review the testers’ work.
  5. The integration is then triggered to update the status of the BTS issue to the relevant predefined value (such as “Verified” or “Failed Testing”).
  6. Comments and screenshots from our testers will be included in your BTS issues.


Issue Status Configuration Within Your Jira Instance

Before you set up the Bug Verification workflow in the Applause platform, make sure you have created all of the necessary issue statuses within your BTS instance to properly reflect your workflow. You will use these statuses to map to the Applause platform bug statuses and vice versa (See: How to add issue statuses in Jira).


Bug Verification Workflow Configuration Within the Applause Platform

Once you have established the issue statuses in your BTS instance, you can begin configuring the Bug Verification Workflow in the Applause platform.

Note: The Bug Verification workflow uses the Two-Way BTS Integration (Jira, ADO), make sure it is set up before you continue.

Enable Bug Fix Verification Workflow
  1. Log in to the Applause platform and navigate to the Connectors List. Then, either create a new BTS Connector (Jira or ADO), or edit an existing one.
  2. Once the “Enable Two-Way Integration” box is checked and the two-way integration is configured, check the “Enable Bug Verification Workflow” box.

Set Up BTS to Applause Mappings
  1. Map your appropriate BTS status (e.g., “Ready for Testing”) to Applause’s “Ready to Verify” status. The values you see in the drop-down are being pulled directly from your BTS instance.
  2. Then, map your next BTS status (e.g., “Closed”, “Verified”) to the Applause “Resolved” status.

Set Up Applause to BTS Mappings
  1. Map Applause’s “Verification – Fixed” status to your appropriate BTS status (e.g. “Verified”).
  2. Then, map Applause’s “Verification – Failed” status to the appropriate BTS status (e.g. “Failed Testing”).


Test Jira Connection

With Two-way Jira Integration allowing status updates on issues to happen in both directions, there is a chance that your Jira workflow will not support certain workflow transitions – mainly the reopening of a closed ticket – by the Applause platform.

Use the “Test Statuses” button to send a test bug update to your Jira instance. This will indicate right away if the feature works properly. If not, you may need some adjustments in your Jira workflow.


If updates between the Applause platform and your BTS are not working, the issue may be the workflow permission settings in your BTS.

In some cases the “Verification failed” status in the platform will fail to reopen a ticket in Jira. Make sure that the credentials used in our platform are given the correct workflow permissions for changing ticket status.