How to Integrate with Azure DevOps


You’ll need the following in order to complete the Azure DevOps Connector configuration:

  1. URL - to your Azure DevOps instance in either format:
    1. https://{organisation}{collection}
      {collection}  = DefaultCollection or any other collection name for the project
  2. Personal Access Token (PAT)  (reference) - for authentication purposes
    1. PATs always have an expiration date so we suggest to set it to maximum value (1 year)
    2. PAT needs to have following scopes selected:
      1. Work Items > Read, write, & manage
      2. Token Administration > Read & manage
      3. Member Entitlement Management > Read
      4. Graph > Read
  3. Project Key - Name of the project where to export Bugs
  4. Issue Type - Type of the Work Item to create during export


Azure DevOps API Endpoints

If necessary, the following Azure DevOps API Endpoints need to be whitelisted:


Azure DevOps Connector

Once the BTS Integration was added, Azure DevOps was selected as the connector type and products were assigned, you’ll be required to provide the following information:


Set your web-based access to Azure DevOps.

Personal Access Token (PAT)

We need to generate a PAT (Personal Access Token) for the service user account. To do so, we'll need to log into ADO with that username/password, then follow the instructions here. As you proceed with the instructions, make sure to do the following:

Project Key

This is the key of the prerequisite Azure DevOps project

Issue Type

This is the default issue type for bugs sent from the Applause platform.


Notes and Tips

Note the following hints and tips while setting up the integration with Azure DevOps and hints on BTS general.


When using the Tags field on field mapping please note:

Two-way ADO Integration

Learn more about how to set up the Two-way Integration here.